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Learn more about occupational pensions in Germany

Learn more about occupational pensions in Germany

The Occupational Pensions Landscape gives an overview of occupational pensions and their role in the German system of retirement provision. It shows the current pension system as well as the historical background needed to understand how today’s system evolved. It covers the following topics:

  • Occupational pensions in the German retirement system
  • Short history of occupational pensions in Germany
  • The different vehicles (Durchführungswege)
  • Occupational pensions in numbers
  • Occupational pensions law: the benefit promise and insolvency protection
  • Advantages of occupational pensions
  • Challenges for occupational pensions

Information on the Law strengthening occupational pensions

Information on the Law strengthening occupational pensions

After more than three years of intensive debate, the previous Government passed a very extensive reform of occupational pensions in July 2017.

The presentation below is an introduction to the Law strengthening occupational pensions (Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz), which came into force on 01 January 2018.

It provides background information on the Social Partner DC model as well as on other elements of the reform such as new tax incentives.

2023 Update on Occupational Pensions in Germany

2023 Update on Occupational Pensions in Germany

The 2023 Update provides an overview of ongoing reform projects in all three pillars of Germany´s system of old-age provision as well as a brief description of some of the challenges that affect occupational pensions specifically.