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Ergebnisse der Konsultation zum Grünbuch Altern


Die EU-Kommission hat am 1. Oktober 2021 die Ergebnisse der Konsultation zum Grünbuch zum Thema „Altern – Förderung von Solidarität und Verantwortung zwischen den Generationen" in einem Synopsis Report veröffentlicht. Das Grünbuch vom Januar 2021 sollte eine Grundsatzdiskussion über das Altern anstoßen, die weit über das Thema Altersversorgung hinausgeht.

Für die kapitalgedeckte Altersversorgung werden die Antworten wie folgt zusammengefasst:

„The views of stakeholders diverged on the role of supplementary pensions for securing future pensions. Several stakeholder groups, including public authorities, business associations and academia, considered supplementary pensions to be beneficial. Some stakeholders, on the other hand, expressed concerns about their lack of affordability for vulnerable or low-income groups, and some NGOs and trade unions, in particular, were concerned about unequal access to them, including from a gender perspective.

Several respondents, in particular business representatives, expressed support for multi-pillar pension systems to help spread the risks of diverse economic and demographic developments. Business associations stressed that occupational pensions are important for reducing old-age poverty, and should therefore be collectively agreed upon by social partners. Some considered that automatic enrolment into an occupational pension scheme when an employee joins a company could help reduce the risk of poverty in old age, especially for low-income employees.

Some respondents also proposed to develop other cross-border supplementary pension schemes, such as a pan-European occupational pension (PEOP) scheme, in addition to the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP).“

Die aba hatte sich über PensionsEurope an der Konsultation beteiligt. Die EU-Kommission wird die Konsultationsantworten in ihrer Arbeit im Bereich demographischer Wandel/Alterung berücksichtigen.