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aba position paper: Draft Report on the Proposal for a Disclosure Regulation


In a position paper directed at the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, the aba hat commented on the Draft Report on the Proposal for a Disclosure Regulation.

In the paper, among other points, the aba very much welcomes that the delegated acts for  IORPs in Art. 10 of the Commission Proposal have been deleted in the ECON Draft Report. Generally, it is the right approach to make regulatory changes for IORPs by directly amending the IORP II Directive. 

However, since the IORP II Directive is currently being transposed into national law (deadline: 13 January 2019), no changes should be made to the Directive at the moment. In line with the “Better Regulation Agenda” of the EU, the new (ESG) rules should be implemented and, after a number of years, reviewed and evaluated (deadline set for review in the IORP II Directive: 13 January 2023).