OPSG-Ratschlag zur Überprüfung der EbAV-II-RL
- “the OPSG regrets that the Directive has failed to promote cross-border activities because there are sponsor companies and IORPs that would like to be able to operate on a cross-border basis in an easy and efficient way without any unnecessary burden.”
- “… the OPSG wishes to alert EIOPA and the Commission to the problem and recommend that solutions be found to better facilitate the cross-border activities of IORPs. The forthcoming review of the Directive offers the ideal opportunity to progress in that direction.”
- “A thorough analysis of the existing barriers for cross-border activities and transfers could help to better understand what is missing to develop this market.” Diese gründliche Analyse soll sich beziehen auf die EbAV-II-RL, ihre Umsetzung in den verschiedenen Mitgliedstaaten sowie auf andere Regelungen und Regulierungen, die grenzschreitende Tätigkeiten und Bestandsübertragungen behindern.